Monthly Archives: May 2020

0. The Iowa Idea: Introduction

Welcome to The Iowa Idea Podcast. Join host Matt Arnold for in-depth conversations with artists, designers, entrepreneurs, and civic leaders, as he explores how they approach their craft and represent a modern version of the Iowa Idea.This podcast is rooted in the concept of the Iowa Idea, which was originally conceived at The University of Iowa by University President Walter Jessup and Graduate Dean Carl Seashore in the 1920s. The Iowa Idea brought together practicing artists and scholars to produce a new form of collaboration. The idea blossomed, bringing forth the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, the Master of Fine Arts degree, and Iowa City’s designation as a UNESCO City of Literature. Nearly a century later, The Iowa Idea Podcast explores modern collaboration, craft, creativity, innovation, and persistence. This podcast tells the stories of Iowa natives, transplants, and friends who demonstrate The Iowa Idea in the 21st Century. The Iowa Idea Podcast is produced in Iowa City by Spark Consulting Group.

So, if these ideas of craft, creativity, and collaboration, sound interesting to you, please listen to the Iowa Idea podcast, share this information with your friends, and check out the website:

And follow us on twitter @ideaiowa

Thank you to the early guests and supporters. Thank you to Executive Podcasting Solutions. Thanks to Paisley Bible for our intro and outro theme; and thank YOU for listening to this introduction to the podcast. I hope you join us for future episodes.